Monday, September 1, 2008

Which one?

I heard two things in my life.

The first one, from Marquis de Vauvenargues, says: "To achieve great things we must live as though we were never going to die."

Then the second, I am not really sure who is the original author, says: "Live your life like you were dying." I interpret it as: love your love ones as if it was your last day, enjoy life today because you don't know tomorrow...and so on.

I originally thought the first was great. Then, when I heard about the second, I said, no the second was great.

But, I think I know now.

I think, in order to achieve great things, we must live as though we were never going to die; and, enjoy life, love people and tell them we love them as if we were dying.

Any thought...



Beudean said...

I just came back from Auschwitz, and I read your post.

The last three days I walked on the ground were million of people suffered and were killed. I listened and felt their stories, I detached myself from my own life story... and now coming back, in my own life, it looks different. How? I don't know yet, I just feel different when I look back in time. For example, good memories with people that I cannot be around them anymore and with great things that happened just once in my life don't hurt anymore. These kind of memories helped a lot of people imprisoned in Auschwitz to survive.

So, which one, if I take into consideration this new perspective on life? I/we will die anyway (as the main character from Mar Adentro says - if you remember the movie we saw together) but I will try to die happy, by loving people. If we love people "as if we were dying", we are already on our way to do those "great things". People who made great things made them for all the other people they loved or cared about. I will never separate those two things you heard in your life...

Mapping said...

Two years ago I spend some times thinking about both quotes. I come to conclusion, they serve as a complement and a balance to each other, although, they are from two different authors. What we must understand is that we know the present because we are living it, but we don’t know what tomorrow will be. The future sometimes is unpredictable therefore, “Live your life like you were dying" should be our paragon.
“To achieve great things we must live as though we were never going to die”
Life is a journey, to achieve what we were put on this earth to do is to live as we were meant to be on this earth eternally. We fail we try again, we hope for the next day, for next year. We continue to make plan and take action. We built for tomorrow, we continue in a long journey without thinking tomorrow may never come.
I need both in my life, there is no time, there is time. I fear I may never I have the chance in life, I not fear because there is tomorrow and I will have the chance.