Monday, October 27, 2008

20 ans apres....

20 ans apres l'assassinat de Thomas Sankara, l'un des acteurs du coup temoigne. Le plus frustrant n'est pas le temoignage de Prince Johnson, mais le fait qu'il pointe le doigt sur Blaise Compaore, l'actuel president du Burkina, qui a toujours dementi toute participation dans la tuerie de son meilleur ami.
Plus frustrant et decevant encore est la pretendu complicite de Felix Houphouet-Boigny.

Mais en fait rien de surprenant, Prince Johnson ne fait que confirmer tout haut ce que tout le monde soupconnait tout bas...

Ecouter et lire l'interview de Prince Johnson sur RFI.FR :

Prince Johnson : C'est Compaoré qui a fait tuer Sankara, avec l'aval d'Houphouët-Boigny


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Inspirational Songs

Here is a list of inspirational songs I put together for the "down times".

For everyone of us, there are these times when even the strongest feel beat up, times when we lose our energy, we feel as if we cannot keep going.

These are times when you feel as if the whole world is against you; these are setback times. I talked to you recently and you told me how difficult life is.

For you, for me, and everyone else, I put together these songs. Not to change your destiny, but to tell you that you destiny is in your hand. God gave you talents, it is up to you to use them.

I hope these songs inspire you. Listen to the songs and read the lyrics.
"Keep your head high", "it's is a beautiful day", "don't let this cold world bring you down," your life is "unwritten."

Let us know if there is a song which is not listed here and that inspires you...
