Saturday, December 20, 2008

Les Sans-Papiers de Mayotte

Ceci est une triste video montrant les conditions de detention d'immigres en France, le "pays des droits de l'Homme". Cela ressemblerait a une prison dans un pays "pauvre".

Selon un article publie par RFI, la France a ete interpelle par Amnesty International qui a denonce les "conditions indignes et inhumaines" dans lesquelles ces immigres vivent. Selon le meme article le centre de Pamandzi a Mayotte dispose de 60 places, mais 16,000 sans papiers ont ete expulses de la cette annee... 16,000! Wow...

1 comment:

Beudean said...

It's a very sad video and situation. It's sad to see that something like that can happen in a "high-standard" European country. And I think this is possible only because France doesn't care about these people. I don't think that is about money. They just don't care and they do the "minimum". Moreover, they don't care where they send these people, and what will happen to them.

Is it a prison for those who got caught in France without papers or a center where immigrants are kept till their situation is clarified? How many days are they kept there? I saw and heard children in the video. How can they keep the children in such a place? To put them to sleep on the floor? An adult person knew probably what he/she risks, but the kids could not decide about their situation.